St Day Parish Newsletter
St Day Newsletter is published quarterly in February, May, August and November each year. The deadlines for articles, letters etc., are 14 January, 14 April, 14 July and 14 October respectively and our band of volunteer deliverers aims to put a copy through every door in the parish during the first week of each of the four months.
We welcome contributors to the newsletter, whether it is in the form of a report on a club or group you belong to, whether you have a point of view you wish to put across or whether you want to write about something of interest to you.
We also welcome advertisers, even if your business is not based in St Day, and our advertising rates are very reasonable:
Full page ad £25 per issue or £72 for 4 issues
Half page ad £14 per issue or £42 for 4 issues
Quarter page ad £10 per issue or £30 for 4 issues
Local community groups, charities and clubs FREE
If you wish to advertise in the newsletter or wish to have an article published please contact Nigel Knight at or on 07967 309402 or Sarah Moore at or on 07826 856262.
Our newsletter is published in A5 size but, if you find this size of print too difficult to read, it is also available on the PC website, to read ‘enlarged’ on your computer screen.
If, for some reason, your newsletter hasn’t reached you, we always put any spare copies in St Day Post Office so you can collect one from there.