
Planning Application – PA25/00453

Application PA25/00453

Proposal Retrospective Approval for the demolition of existing porch and proposed new single storey porch extension. Proposed PV array to SE & NW Elevations on first floor roof.

Location 6 Vogue Hill St Day Redruth Cornwall

Applicant Mr Chris Greenwood

1. You can access the application on which we are inviting your comments using the following link:
2. Retrieve the application by entering the reference quoted above and then clicking the “Search” button.
3. Details can then be found by clicking the “Documents” tab and then selecting “View Associated Documents”.
4. If possible we would prefer that comments are submitted online by registering then selecting the “submit comments” icon and completing the online form which will immediately update our database and ensure that your comments are made available to the public.

If your response is likely to be longer than the equivalent of one side of A4 paper, please also submit a short executive summary of your comments.

If you are unable to submit comments online, any views you may have on the application should emailed to quoting reference number PA25/00453 by 17th February, 2025.